Disorder of the gastrointestinal system

Disorders of the gastrointestinal system

What are gastrointestinal diseases?

Gastrointestinal diseases affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract from the mouth to the anus. There are two types: functional and structural. Some examples include nausea/vomiting, food poisoning, lactose intolerance and diarrhea.

What are functional gastrointestinal diseases?

Functional diseases are those in which the GI tract looks normal when examined, but doesn't move properly. They are the most common problems affecting the GI tract (including the colon and rectum). Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, food poisoning, gas, bloating, GERD and diarrhea are common examples.

Many factors may upset your GI tract and its motility (ability to keep moving), including:


NAET treatment removes the energy blockages and re-educates the way the body responds to the offending item thereby decreasing or eliminating symptoms.

During the treatment the patient receives Acupuncture / Acupressure to the energy pathways along the spine to remove the energy blockages while they remain in contact with the offending item. Then the patient receives acupressure or acupuncture on specific acupuncture points on the front side of the body to balance the patient while they remain in contact with the item for 20 minutes.

After the treatment is concluded the patient must avoid the treated item for at least 25 hours. Instruction on avoidance is given to the patient. It usually takes one treatment to desensitize a patient to a particular substance (stronger the allergy, the longer it can take). After treatment the patient can usually use the treated substance with little or no reaction and results are often lasting.

100% Result Assured  at Pressurepoint Acupuncture Clinic.