"International Yoga Day" | Celebration - 21st/June/2023 | "अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस"
Maharshi Patanjali
चित्त वृत्ति निरोधाश्च जीव ब्रहमात्मनो ।। " अर्थात् ब्रहम में चित्त की एकाग्रता ही योग है ।
“yogas chitta vritti nirodha” is commonly translated as “yoga is the stilling or controlling of the modifications or fluctuations of the mind.”
Lord Krishna
"योगा कर्मसु कौशालम् | 'Yogah karmasu kaushalam" (Yoga in action)
It is often told that karma or the consequences of an action will come from one's intent and not from an outside force.
"Yoga is a powerful tool to improve physical and mental health and well-being."
" World health organisation"
The practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness.!
A journey into the Self, by the Self, for the Self.
Relish the power of 5000 years’ legacy!
Welcome to "Yoga With Pressurepoint"
Yoga is a mind and body practice.
Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice that may have originated in India. It involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical well-being.
WHO about Yoga:
Yoga is a powerful tool for individuals, communities and countries to improve not only physical but also mental health, and to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – one of the WHO South-East Asia Region's eight Flagship Priorities.
What is yoga and its types?
Yoga works on the level of one's
emotion and energy.
This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga:
Karma yoga, where we use the body;
Bhakti yoga, where we use the emotions;
Gyana yoga, where we use the mind and intellect; and
Kriya yoga, where we use the energy.
What is yoga and its importance?
Yoga improves
balance and
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.
What are the 5 principles of yoga?
Along with being a way of life, it is also considered a practical science with five principles forming its core:
Proper Asanas. (Exer)
Proper Breathing. (Pranayama)
Proper Relaxation. (Resting your body)
Proper Diet and Nutrition. (Food)
Meditation and Positive thinking. (Food for Soul)
Why is it called yoga?
The word “yoga” means “union”. Yoga aligns the mind with the body. The benefits of yoga are both physical and emotional.
Yoga is a practice that has existed since ancient times.
What are the 8 stages of yoga?
The eight limbs of yoga are
Yama (abstinences),
Niyama (observances),
Asana (yoga postures),
Pranayama (breath control),
Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses),
Dharana (concentration),
Dhyana (meditation) and
Samadhi (absorption)."
What is the main aim of yoga?
While the entire aim of yoga is
To self-reflect,
Control the breath,
Achieve deep relaxation, and
Grow through meditation,
All of this combined will result in better mental, emotional and physical health as we challenge the mind and body through a sequence of yoga asanas.
Therapeutic Yoga to address chronic ailments and defend from further health being ruined,
rejuvenation & restoration of well-being (works wonders when chosen as a package with a combination of other therapies above).
Physical and Virtual Yoga Classes to enable Yoga as a way of life.
Improve flexibility, immunity, resistance and
Exclusive Kids’ Yoga to strengthen their core, enrich immunity, develop resistance for common contagions, improve focus,
harness memory retention, tangible improvement in studies & overall personality.
Chair Yoga for the aged, differently abled, Spine-injured & Paralytic (based on ailment).
Pre & Post Natal Yoga to help mothers in hormonal balance, posture correction and pelvic flexibility to aid easy
labor and speedy recovery from after effects of child birth.
Personal Training for exclusive, tailor-made, individual one-one Physical/Virtual sessions to address specific requirements & privacy.