Respiratory Disorder
The common Cold
The common cold (acute coryza) is believed to be a viral infection of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx. Clinical manifestations are sneezing, running eyes and nose, cough, headache and general malaise. Timely treatment with acupuncture can be useful in avoiding complications such as superimposed bacterial infection of mucous membranes, which can lead to bronchitis. Of course the main advantage of acupuncture is that it relieves symptoms.
This is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the si nuses of the skull. This is caused by the spread of infection from the nose, inclement weather, and sometimes by allergic states. If left un treated, the condition may become chronic.
Inflammation of the tonsils is often a result of bacterial infection and is seen commonly in children and young adults. The onset of the condition is abrupt and is initially severe. Repeated acute attacks may result in chronic tonsillitis
Pharyngitis or inflammation of the pharynx may be caused by viral or bacterial infection. Although, usually the problem resolves on its own, but active treatment must be undertaken to prevent the spread of the infection to the surrounding soft tissues or down the respiratory passages, which may cause complications.
Laryngitis or acute inflammation of the larynx is usually caused by the spread of infection from the neighboring air passages, such as from a common cold or from an acute bronchitis. Tracheitis refers to the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea, a con dition which often accompanies bronchitis.
Horse voice
This is usually due to damage of the vocal chords caused by overuse of the voice. Those in the speaking trades such as teachers, and lawyers are specially prone to this disorder. politicians,
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
This is an acute virus infection affecting infants up to years of age. It is characterized by a rhinitis accompanied cough which becomes progressively worse and spasmodic ing the "whooping" sound at the end of a bout of coughing.
This is caused by spasm of the air passages of the lungs, and may arise from allergy, infection, or emotional factors.
In the treatment of this disorder, with acupuncture, a rapid improvement may be expected in the majority of cases. However in the first few days of treatment the response may be uneven, and the patient should be warned about this and reassured. In some cases, the patient may have an aggravation due to the withdrawal of drugs. The necessity of completing at least two or more courses of treat- ment should be stressed, as some cases are slow to respond.
Hay Fever(Allergic Rhinitis)
This is a common allergic disorder characterised by an acute inflammation of the mucus lining of the nose which may spread to the throat and conjunctiva. This is followed by sneezing and exces- sive lacrimation. In chronic cases a blocked nose usually occurs.
When the membranes lining the air passages of the lung are infected and inflammed, the secretion of mucus increases causing irritation. Coughing is a reflex action provoked by this irritation. Sometimes, however, coughing may be provoked by inflammation of the trachea and bronchi without expectoration. Regular smoking also gives rise to a chronic smoker's cough.
NAET treatment removes the energy blockages and re-educates the way the body responds to the offending item thereby decreasing or eliminating symptoms.
During the treatment the patient receives Acupuncture / Acupressure to the energy pathways along the spine to remove the energy blockages while they remain in contact with the offending item. Then the patient receives acupressure or acupuncture on specific acupuncture points on the front side of the body to balance the patient while they remain in contact with the item for 20 minutes.
After the treatment is concluded the patient must avoid the treated item for at least 25 hours. Instruction on avoidance is given to the patient. It usually takes one treatment to desensitize a patient to a particular substance (stronger the allergy, the longer it can take). After treatment the patient can usually use the treated substance with little or no reaction and results are often lasting.
100% Result Assured at Pressurepoint Acupuncture Clinic.